Battle of Ain Jalut

 The Battle of Ain Jalut took place on September 3, 1260 CE, in the Jezreel Valley in modern-day Israel. It was fought between the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt and the Mongol Empire, led by the Ilkhanate ruler Hulagu Khan.

The Mamluks, led by Sultan Qutuz, were outnumbered, but they won the battle and dealt a decisive blow to the Mongol Empire’s expansion into the Middle East. The victory at Ain Jalut is considered to be one of the most significant battles in world history, as it marked the first time that a Muslim army had defeated the Mongols in open combat.

The battle is also notable for its impact on the Crusader states in the region, as the Mamluks went on to conquer much of the territory previously held by the Crusaders in the Levant.


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